A Glimpse into My Writing Space

My Writing Nook

It’s all about the ambiance.

When I first started writing (see earlier posts My Why or Two cents), I had a composition notebook and an idea.

As I thought about it, I began jotting things down. I wouldn’t even say it was a book yet. I just had thoughts that I wanted to get to paper immediately, so I did. I drew; I scribbled; I brainstormed; I wrote. When I had the time, I’d then copy what I had written to a Word document.

Since I wrote Nav’Aria: The Marked Heir over the years, I took it all over the world. With my notebook or laptop, I could write essentially anywhere! Though I am easily distracted, especially at coffee shops. I love going there for chats with my girlfriends, but not for writing.

That is why I declared recently to my husband, “I NEED A WRITING SPACE.” And so here I am, sitting in my new office, feeling tremendously thankful, excited, and FOCUSED. This room radiates inspiration for me.

Build a Space that Breeds Creativity 


  • I wanted an area where I could have my books, knickknacks, and travel memorabilia around me. And I truly believe that it helps! Since claiming this space, I have already hammered out thousands of words. The creative juices are flowing!!


  • I have a passion for music, yet often it diverts my attention. As a vocalist, I like to hear other singers, listen to the lyrics, or sing along. I can’t write and sing at the same time, so I listen to classical music while I write. I love it… and so do my Pomeranians! They always have a good rest during writing time. Presently, they’re snoozing to Franz Schubert on Spotify.


  • Speaking of Pomeranians, it must be said, that they make for the best writing companions. Drogo and Nala love to rest in my office (I have beds available for them!), and this also brings comfort knowing they’re with me.



  • And lastly, I am a lamp girl all the way! I have two lamps in my office and am considering a third. I like having the nice lighting and a diffuser going. Again, it is all about the ambiance.

All of these together, create the perfect writing environment for ME personally. You may be reading this and thinking, NONE of that sounds appealing, and that is alright. We each have our own tendencies, and as a writer, it is important to find what works for you.

You Need Your Own Work Space (A Space that Works for You!)

I am not one to run out of ideas or words typically, but the motivation to actually sit down and write is another matter. By creating a designated, and welcoming space, I have now created an area that I want to frequent daily, and thus, I am creating at a much higher, and more consistent level than ever before.

“Protect the time and space in which you write. Keep everybody away from it, even the people who are most important to you.” — Zadie Smith

If you are considering writing, my best advice to you is (see my Two Cents post) to identify what space you create best in and try to accomplish that if/when possible.

Eliminate whatever distractions necessary to achieve your writing goals.

Having my own office has been incredible, but I realize that it was something that I had to work toward over the years. I hope that the designated space pays off, and you’re able to read the many works created in this very room.


And what about you? Where do you like to write? Do you have a designated space? What is your preferred “ambiance” while writing? Let me know in the comments!

Most importantly, JUST KEEP WRITING. Speaking of which, I better get back to my manuscript!

Until next time!