I’m thrilled to announce that The Legend of Tiny Tails paperback is OFFICIALLY available! Ahhhhh! And the eBook pre-order is LIVE. The Legend of Tiny Tails will show up on your device on Friday, 9/9!
Visit Amazon and snag your paperback or digital copy NOW!
Enjoy this adorable, action-packed prairie adventure!
“The Legend of Tiny Tails is a nod to my rural childhood,
a gift for my daughter and students,
and a love letter to my pets.”
~K.J. Backer

“What age range is The Legend of Tiny Tails for? What is Middle Grade?” These are a few of the questions I’ve had recently… and I thought it’d be good to share a bit since The Legend of Tiny Tails is NOW AVAILABLE.
As you know, I’ve written Adult Fantasy for years…. Nav’Aria, though enjoyed by many teens, is intended for a mature audience due to the “rape, pillage, and plunder” that we see play out in the Nav’Arian War. I always recommend parent discretion with the trilogy and have talked many potential “buyers” out of getting it at events for their “seven-year-old granddaughter” or “grandson who is at higher reading level though in second grade”, etc. People see the unicorn and think “kids”… which if you’re familiar with the series, you know it’s not a fairytale/children’s series. That said, I’m very proud of the world I created with EPIC unicorns at the forefront for grownups (that’s what makes it so cool), but I found myself wanting something that my daughter, friends’ kids, and students COULD read without a disclaimer.

So, I launched into Pet Legends! The Legend of Tiny Tails is considered Middle Grade, like the bookstack photo above. Think Narnia, Harry Potter, Wings of Fire, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. These books are typically intended for ages 8-12…. but loved by many teens and adults just the same! They vary as you know. Take Narnia and Diary of a Wimpy Kid for example. While both being “Middle Grade” they are very different reading experiences and levels. That’s why these are such FUN books for kids, families, and adults!
With Middle Grade you can still get a lot of action and adventure, and even some fighting/killing (think Voldemort and his evil ways in HP, *spoiler* Aslan killing the White Witch in the final battle of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and dragons fighting to the death in an arena in Wings of Fire)… but it’s more implied rather than graphically “shown.” There’s usually an emphasis on friendship and adventure, clean language, no sexual situations, and no gore. You might get a few fart jokes too.
The Legend of Tiny Tails is a lighter read than some mentioned here, though there’s still some fighting… and adoption themes. It is written by me, after all. This is the cutest and cleanest book I’ve ever written, and I will no longer have to dissuade families from purchasing my work.
I hope this post helped. And if you’re an adult & up for an EPIC adventure try Nav’Aria.
Dream BIG. Be EPIC. SHINE on.